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United Citizens Foundation’s (UCF) mission is to support, educate, and provide mental health, behavioral health, and substance abuse services for students, families, and the community, regardless of economic status. UCF’s vision is to improve mental health and end the stigma associated with it by providing compassionate care for the people and community we serve.


United Citizens Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides mental health, behavioral health, and substance abuse counseling services to students and families through School-Based Health Clinics located on six Clark County School District campuses, as well as two Community-Based clinics located in Summerlin and North Las Vegas. UCF has been operating in Southern Nevada since 2010. The purpose of the organization is to act responsively and be responsive to the needs of the Nevada community by establishing programs for the students, families, the community, and underprivileged and underserved families.


In order to meet the needs of all CCSD students, we need more funding to fill the gaps in mental health and behavioral health services in CCSD and beyond. A funding partnership can help us toward our goal and make a lasting impact on students who are struggling with mental health, behavioral health, or substance abuse issues.


UCF has been a game changer for our community by providing social-emotional services; they have changed the course for so many of our student's lives. UCF has made it possible for our students to overcome unsurmountable obstacles and change the course of their life; they now succeed because of UCF. 

Ramona Esparza

Principal, Valley High School


In the short time that UCF has been on campus here at Hollingsworth STEAM Academy, the organization has made an immediate and positive impact on our school community.  Having an on-site therapist that can immediately service students here on campus has helped to meet the needs of our students.

Kathleen Decker

Principal at Bracken, Long, and Hollingsworth STEAM Academies


Donate to United Citizens Foundation with your credit card via PayPal.


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